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Regional offices - Fortuna KOM

Regional offices


Address: Blagoevgrad 2702
kv. Gramada, Skladova baza “Pirinsnab”

Telephone: +359 73 880 051
GSM: +359 88 7660 028
Email: blagoevgrad@fortuna.bg

Manager: Stiliyan Vodenicharski

Address: Plovdiv 4006
237 6 Septemvri blvd.

Telephone: +359 32 625 406
GSM: +359 88 7660 490
Email: plovdiv@fortuna.bg

Manager: Miroslav Petrov

Stara Zagora

Address: Stara Zagora 6006
kv. Industrialen, Skladova baza 2

Telephone: +359 42 603 279
GSM: +359 88 7660 292
Email: szagora@fortuna.bg

Manager: Ivo Yovchev


Address: Burgas 8001
SPZ, Skladova baza “Gyurov i sinove”

Telephone: +359 56 880 086
GSM: +359 88 7660 980
Email: burgas@fortuna.bg

Manager: Ivo Yovchev


Address: Varna 9154
Aksakovo, Skladova baza “Alpha Logistic”

Telephone: +359 52 717 199
GSM: +359 88 7660 200
Email: varna@fortuna.bg

Manager: Nikolay Nikolov


Address: Ruse 7004
1 Targovska str.

Telephone: +359 82 842 654
GSM: +359 88 7660 035
Email: ruse@fortuna.bg

Manager: Petya Mavrova

Veliko Tarnovo

Address: Veliko Tarnovo 5002
5 Magistralna str.

Telephone: +359 62 636 901
GSM: +359 88 7660 096
Email: vtarnovo@fortuna.bg

Manager: Svetoslav Sapundjiev


Address: Pleven 5809
2 Zdravets str.

Telephone: +359 64 846 993
GSM: +359 88 7660 076
Email: pleven@fortuna.bg

Manager: Lyuben Trifonov


Address: Montana 3400
4 Industrialna str. 

Telephone: +359 96 300 989
GSM: +359 88 7660 588
Email: montana@fortuna.bg

Manager: Volodya Vikentiev


Address: Sofia 1517
247 Botevgradsko shose blvd. 

Telephone: +359 2 9424 410
Fax: +359 2 9424 422
Email: for_sof@fortuna.bg

Manager: Ivo Yordanov


Sofia 1517, 247 Botevgradsko shose Blvd.

Telephone: +359 2 9424 400
Fax: +359 2 9424 422

Email: fortuna@fortuna.bg